Countess Mary is married to Ferdinand Leopold Joseph Count von Habsburg of Austria. The royal family of von Habsburg are descendants of William the Conquerer.
Mary was born in Wau, Sudan under the name Mary Nyanut Ring Machar. Countess Mary and Count Ferdinand are 38 years old and both are born under the astrology sign, Cancer.
Countess Mary married Count Ferdinand on August 28, 1999 in Nairobi, Kenya. The couple have 3 children together: Countess Luisa Aluel (born August 3, 2000), Count László Rum (born May 25,2002) and Countess Gisela Aluk (born October 22, 2004).
All three of the couple's children were birthed in Nairobi. As of yet, I haven't located pictures of the children.
Yes, Countess Mary is considered an equal in her marriage, even though she's a commoner and African. A couple members of the Royal Family had a problem with that, but Head of the Habsburg Royal Family, Dr. Otto von Habsburg has declared all Habsburg marriages are "equal."
Thank goodness Countess Mary has married into a family that is lead by an open-minded individual.
The Habsburg's are known for their interracial/intercultural marriages and I'll tell you about the other sistas in this family shortly.
Once again, as I stated in my post about Princess Angela of Liechtenstein, there should be more coverage of these imperial black women. I can understand why Anglo magazines don't show love, but what are the black publications excuse?
Wow, great post. It's too bad Essence and Ebony don't cover these kind of stories. Keep it up Society Noir.
I wish there were pics of their kids!
I need to move to Europe.
Erica, I realize I'm three years late, but why in the world would 'you' think these articles are a "disservice" to black women??
If 'Moses' could have a black wife so where down the line, then what exactly makes these men (and women) any different?
Personally speaking I view it as a 'testament' to the love and caring of the only God and Savior who loves us ALL enough to let us see the "beauty of color", despite what the public or any one else has to say or thinks about it.
Praise God and Jesus Christ that they're "both" color blind, and not racist like the rest of us humans. Kudos 'Essence and Ebony', truly a job well-down, despite what anyone else says or thinks.
i got to say she isnt cute at all
...yeah this is cool but why only post black European Royalty? Where is the info on black African and Caribbean royalty/heads of state? I mean...this is interesting but trivial.
I have nothing against black people, I actually like them quite a lot, but blacks in nobility and royalty? :O
Thats bad taste. I think he should first abdicate his title and change his name, and THEN marry an African.
It just does not feel right to me, a "black Countess" ?? No, something like that should not exist. It is totally against tradition of European aristocracy.
Though, I wish them a happy and healthy life.
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