Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt's Modern Day Revolution is Demanding Change

Keep a watchful eye on the ongoing protests, a  Modern Day Revolution in Egypt. Protesters have taken to the streets to protest the rule of President Muburak, whom they consider a dictator.

There comes a time when people simply become fed up with being mistreated, abused, taken for granted and/or disrespected. At some point, one has to stand up for his or her self and DEMAND change; whether it's from a mate, family member or the government.

Americans can actually learn something from these Egyptian civilians. Modern-day American's are hoping and asking for change, instead of DEMANDING change (I'll touch on this in a later post) like the Egyptians and Tunisians are.

I hope people of other African nations on the Great Continent and beyond who are under dictatorships and/or oppression rise up and demand change and fair treatment.

We can all dream... Can't we?


Stay Aware by watching the Al Jazeera live stream of the current events:click here

or here on LiveStation for live streams from other various foriegn media channels.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're Back!

Hello Everyone!! Society Noir is happy to say that it become active again. It has been two years since our last post, which was about President Barack Obama's Inauguration.

For a while, I had been going back and forth on whether I should continue publishing Society Noir, as well as the purpose it can & should serve. Not to be a "Debbie Downer,"but as I observed the African diaspora these past two years (especially here in America) it has become painfully clear that mainstream media just refuses to proportionately and objectively cover Black America, the black diaspora and Africa.

So, we're back in action. Look forward to Society Noir still covering charitable causes, the upscale lifestyle, events, black socialites,and business profiles. But also look forward to more serious discussions about our global society, politics and resolutions to the ills in our diaspora.

Happy New Year!